Monday, May 26, 2008

Ornamental Grasses - Year Round Stunner

Calamagrostis Brachytricha- This photo shows the grass in full bloom on Long Island in late August. This grass will bloom from mid-August until frost, but it will also maintain winter interest in its faded blooms.

Ornamental grasses and its beauty.

Monday, May 5, 2008


Here is something that everybody should know when dealing with bamboo. Bamboo is grass and not tree...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Bamboo Versatility

Bamboo, along with being one of the most treasured plants, is one of the fastest growing grass/plants. Bamboo nowadays is being recognized as environmentally friendly material that is gaining a lot on interest around the world. Ways to go green continuing to grow for eco-fashionistas.

Sporobolus heterolepsis

Freshly dug Sporobolus heterolepsis. A native prairie grass which forms handsome, arching clumps. The fine textured, green leaves are about 1/16" wide and produce a flowing mound. It turns golden hues in the fall and in August will produce long, refined, airy panicles. This grass is extremely drought tolerant. The fragrance of the plume has been compared to sort of like burnt buttered popcorn. It requires at least four years to attain significant size. This long-lived, trouble-free plant just keeps getting bigger for decades without any center dieback or need for renewal.